The project consists of approximately 130 units including 4 Live/work units, 8000 sf of amenity space, a dog run, and approximately 145 parking spaces. The project resides in the Wedgewood-Houston neighborhood of Nashville, and borders with Chestnut Hill neighborhood.
Wedgewood-Houston neighborhood hosts a variety of creatives, artists, and entrepreneurs. The design team played into the artsy-vibe of the neighborhood and created a rhythmic pattern on the front facade configured of triangular balconies angling towards downtown. A mural wall was incorporated on the first floor to bring the creative nature of the neighborhood into the scheme. The step back at the top level allows for a rooftop lounge facing the skyline, two large private patios for the penthouse units, and a separate dog run.
The scale of the building adjusts to the scale of its surroundings. Along 4th Ave., the building is four stories high, with the first floor hosting live + work units. At the back of the building, facing the residential side of the neighborhood, it scales back to three stories.



The project consists of approximately 130 units including 4 Live/work units, 8000 sf of amenity space, a dog run, and approximately 145 parking spaces. The project resides in the Wedgewood-Houston neighborhood of Nashville, and borders with Chestnut Hill neighborhood.
Wedgewood-Houston neighborhood hosts a variety of creatives, artists, and entrepreneurs. The design team played into the artsy-vibe of the neighborhood and created a rhythmic pattern on the front facade configured of triangular balconies angling towards downtown. A mural wall was incorporated on the first floor to bring the creative nature of the neighborhood into the scheme. The step back at the top level allows for a rooftop lounge facing the skyline, two large private patios for the penthouse units, and a separate dog run.
The scale of the building adjusts to the scale of its surroundings. Along 4th Ave., the building is four stories high, with the first floor hosting live + work units. At the back of the building, facing the residential side of the neighborhood, it scales back to three stories.